Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another menu ...

I have another menu jotted down for this weeks meals.  I wrote this down before remembering that Mike is going to be out of town for a few days, and so that probably means most of this menu will be used for next week.

Last night I did make a quick Stromboli.  I tried a new recipe (which I like to do) but the dough was so sticky and didn't bake that well.  I added more flour than the recipe called for, but still not the best.  (Which I do not like to do.)  I wished I would have used my other great Stromboli recipe.  Oh well.  "It never hurts to try new recipes" ... that's what I like to think! 

I pulled out a recipe I found a long time ago in a magazine because Mike asked for nachos for his Sunday lunch.  It's easy and very delicious.  I changed the recipe just a tad to our taste buds.  Start with tortilla chips.  Top with fresh peppers, shredded cheese and a few splashes of Zesty Italian dressing.  Repeat the layers and sprinkle with cilantro.  Microwave for one minute.  Top with fresh, diced avocados and serve with salsa on the side!

So yummy!!!

My mom has been saying that we need to get together again and have sister's day.  So, last week we did!  But, we never get together just to get together.  I don't know why, but it was fun!  We canned meatballs.  Here's the recipe we used (thanks Annie).  The sauce recipe wasn't enough to fill all our jars completely, so we used some regular bought sauce too.  You could just double the sauce recipe if you would like!  I am sure that would be great too! 

Here was my container filled with the ingredients.  We mixed and mixed.  Rolled them into little balls and baked them for 10 minutes.  This helps to keep the shape after they are fully canned.  I put 12 balls in each jar and topped with sauce.  Cold pack for 3 hours.

Shakia was our entertainment.  Her and Ashlyn were just wanting each other's toys!  :)

Now, I have lots of canned meatball jars in my cellar.  It adds the perfect touch to spaghetti or just to have it as a meal of it's own.  Meatball sandwiches!

My house has a good aroma right now from the chuck roast that has been cooking for a few hours already!  Our supper will be tasty tonight and hopefully healthy and filling!  My kids love when I have gravy with mashed potatoes, so tonight they should be really pleased!  The roast in the oven is producing a wonderful juice that only makes the best gravy!

It's been raining all day and that makes us really lazy!  The massage I had this morning felt great!  I've been pushing it off for weeks and when I woke up this morning, I just knew that a rainy day would be perfect to get some muscle knots worked out!

Hadassah and I played some card games while Ashlyn took her nap.  We love to play "golf" with Skip-Oh cards.  After that, we decided to figure out how to play the game Skip-Oh for real.  Interesting.  Matthew just wanted to watch and play with his angry bird stuffed animals.  I love it so much when the kids and I can just hang out together!  On rainy days, my house work just don't seem as important!  Or is it that I just don't feel like doing the usual daily chores?  I think that's an OK thing???  :)

I hope you enjoy your rainy day too!  Reading a book...  Taking a nap...  Organizing...  What ever it may be for you ... enjoy it!