Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Day of School!!!

The kids had a wonderful year this past term.  They both had excellent teachers and finished with great scores and grades.  (Well, wasn't sure there for a moment if I was going to be able to read Matthew's report card.?.  He insisted on going to school without his back pack, and so he had to get a bag from his teacher to put all his belongings into.  Including his water bottle!!!  It was leaking and made his papers totally soaked!  I dried it out and now it feels like a "old piece of paper from long ago".  Savable though!  Boys!!!)

Both classes had parties to finish off their year!  Matthew's class had a party yesterday which included a baby shower for his teacher.  She and her husband are adopting a newborn daughter.  Adorable!

One of the moms put this diaper arrangement for Matthew's teacher.  They had cupcakes for their snack.

Awards Assembly was yesterday at 10:30 AM.  Each student got a ribbon for track and field day.  A lot of other rewards were also given out for superior grades and projects!

My pictures never turn out good in the school gym, but it's memories.  Here are the kids getting their rewards from track and field.

Today, Hadassah's class had their party.  Brownie sundae's at their best!!!  Those fourth graders sure know how to make ice cream sundae's!  Brownie, ice cream, tons of whipped cream and then sprinkle on the toppings!  Yum!!!

 Fourth Grade Girls ...
 First Grade enjoying their last story for the year...
 This was Hadassah's teacher.  The fourth graders gave her a bag with all their names signed on it.

Thank you teachers for making school a fun, safe place for our children to learn!!!  Have a great summer!

Now, we had the afternoon at home just enjoying each other.  Matthew has been asking over and over again to go to the library.  I kept saying, "When school is over we can go.  For now you can just use the books from the school library."  Am I harsh?  I just can't keep track of books from school, books from church and then yet books from the local library.  I end up paying small fines that I hate!  So, we went straight from school to the local library. 

It is a sweet thought to know that school is over for now and summer vacation officially started for our family.  Having the children sleep in and me too, puts a smile on my face!!!  :)

And, to top off the celebration of completing fourth and first grades, we have family visiting us!  Cousins from the south are around and the kids have been having such a blast with them!  I know we have a few more late nights coming up with just spending more time with them before they head back home.