Monday, June 4, 2012

Chester County Days and more!!!

Our weekend was fun!  It was packed full with events we never would want to miss out on!

Yesterday, Mike and I started our day with runs.  I went for a 3.4 mile run.  He picked me up and then he ran back home going another way and ran 5 miles.  Last night I was so tired and as I looked at all the energy we burned throughout the day ... wasn't any wonder I was yawning so much!? 

It was our all day church picnic.  Every other year we go to Perry County for the entire day.  This year we went to my parents farm in Chester County.  They had a huge tent sent up.  Every family brought drinks and foods.  There were singers picking on their guitars and instruments throughout the whole afternoon!

We started with 10 o'clock Sunday School.  The classes the children all spread out in the meadow to have their classes.  The adults and youth stay under the tent to form one big class.

Here's our Sunday School teacher.  The classes are being dismissed.

My wonderful grandparents ...

Right after the classes are dismissed with the sound of a car horn, we all gather together to pray a blessing on the wonderful foods prepared for lunch and then later supper.  Uncle Alvin made 'piggy' on his cooker and we all had sandwiches with that tender meat.  All the side dishes, desserts and soft served ice cream was delicious!
 Uncle Alvin with his food gadgets!!!

Games were being played all afternoon!  The older men and youth had a softball game going on.  The little boys played softball with their friends and daddy's.  The girls had the volleyball court active.  The moms and grandma's were the cheerleaders and were the most part of the audience.  The older men hit their croquet balls through the arches.  And as if that wasn't enough of action, the rest of the big crowd listened to the singers under the tent.  Some even played games under the tent.  Some blew up balloons and had a candy scramble for the children.  Some gave pony rides.  Some blew bubbles and some wadded in the creek.

Softball games ...
 Baby hanging out with her Aunt Lena!

We were blessed to have a gorgeous day.  The weather was not humid and the strong rain showers didn't come to late afternoon.  We all gathered under the tent till the rain stopped and then continued with all our activities again!  Thanks to Jesus for protecting us and for the great body of believers we have as our church friends!  Also, thanks to my parents for all the hard work and effort they put into making this day possible for our church!

We ended our day with stopping in our Mike's parents home.  They invited us to come for some snitz pie and peanut butter smears!!!  The best!  It was also some time with Ben's before they head back home later this week!

Saturday was just a fun and active day too!  I took Hadassah and Matthew to my parents house and then dropped Ashlyn off as my sister-in-laws so that I could enjoy a tea party I was invited to!  (Thanks Suz for the invite!!!)

The party was so detailed and beautiful!  An outside garden party with sunshine shining on us feels heavenly!  The menu was yummy.  We started with a fabulous salad, then tomato basil pizza and a pasta dish.  We ended the yums with dessert: strawberry cupcakes, black berry parfaits, blueberry, lemon bars, and fruit!  The strawberry lemonade was a favorite for me!!!  Everything was so pretty and good!  You really did a great job Lydia!  Thank you so much for the party and for the sugar peas that my family is now enjoying!!!

Lydia's dessert display ... I just have this passion for cupcakes!  These were so good!
 A pretty butterfly came to visit us ...
 Yum ... strawberry lemonade!
I left the garden party inspired!  I love other people's talent and ideas!

Well, from one party I went home to do some work before heading off to another party!  A wedding!  I now realize that my Saturday was filled with celebrations!  So happy I could be a part of them!

Mike's cousin got married on Saturday evening.  It was at her gorgeous home and everything was outside!  The ceremony faced their new outside pool barn/outside kitchen.  The reception was under a huge white tent that was strung with lots of lights and decor'!  The food was excellent.  Again the bright yellow icing on her delicate cupcakes screamed my name and I had to have a bite!  The wedding was so nice and seeing family and friends was a highlight!  Congrats to you Benji and Tonya!

The parties are over and now it's laundry day.  School is over too.  The day with my three kiddo's at home is going to be a good change for the start of our summer vacation!