Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

Spring cleaning is under way here at my house!

Yesterday, Mike's mom planned to come and we were going to do some computer papers she needed done and then get to some house cleaning.  I was surprised to see my mom pop in at 9:30.  She said she's going to come and help us clean!  Wow!

Mike's mom arrived and I could not find the files we needed on my computer.  I think it was on the other laptop that died last year.  We didn't waste time ... we got right to cleaning.

Sister Jody and her girls came after lunch and surprised me with a few hours of helping too!  Cleaning ladies showing up is a HUGE BLESSING!!!  I like to house clean with helping hands!  :)

We got the whole upstairs cleaned good (except for my kitchen).  We went room to room.  Mom cleaned my windows.  Mom-in-law cleaned the walls.  I did the baseboards and sweeping.  Jody cleaned my hutch and dishes! 

We were all ready for a break by 2:30!  A lot got cleaned and it's a wonderful feeling!!!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU LADIES!!!

Today, I cleaned my bathroom floors and kitchen floors and then went to the basement to have it get a good cleaning too!  I didn't move furniture down there.  I will wait till I have Mike's help with that heavy stuff but the clean scent of Summer Citrus Mr. Clean is in the air!!!  :)


I am so happy to have our little toddler feeling well again!  Boy, I tell you that stomach bug had her in a whirl ALL last week!  Glad to have that behind us and Spring in the air!  It's still a bit chilly but I think Spring is here!   

My outside is another big chore in the Spring but it's OK.  I don't enjoy all the hard work of edging and trimming, but after the mulch is laid and the flowers are in the ground ... I sigh a big relief.  I love to see everything cleaned up and pretty outside again!  I am ready for campfire gatherings and roasting smores!  The smell of fresh cut grass and seeing the vegetables peaking through the ground will be exciting!  Oh, how Spring is so much better than Winter!  I can't wait to go visit my favorite greenhouses!!!

Enjoy the lovely day!  I have my kitchen window open just a tad and I can hear all those birds singing that are perched in our pines!  I am excited about the weekend's forecast!  Let's cheer on the 60 degree days!!!  :)