Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I love music ...

I LOVE music!  I always did!  I remember everyday hopping into my small Ford Ranger as a teenager and automatically turning on the radio, or tape (yep, that's what we had), or CD.  Something.  Anything.  I also had this small radio for years under the bathroom sink and every morning as I would get myself ready for another day at school, I would have music playing.  I would turn it louder if the shower was running.  Then I went through a stage that I played music while falling asleep at night.  My alarm clocks woke me up each morning with praise and worship!  That's just way, way better than those annoying buzzer sounds that make you just want to send the alarm flying across the bedroom and hope it doesn't go off again.  Waking up to songs of worship still sometimes makes me just want to lay still and listen before facing the new day.

I don't think having music on a lot is because I am afraid of silence or quiet, I just like something playing in the background.  I even remember once when a friend said something to me about always having music on.  It wasn't a correction statement or anything like that but I took it to heart and even went a few days with just quiet.  A time to pray more.  Time to think more without any distractions.  I'm not sure if it brought any more peace or calmness because I still just love when I have some kind of uplifting music playing in the house!

When Mike and I got married, this was a huge difference between us.  Mike could travel for hours and hours and never turn one single song on.  Nothing.  Just drive.  I on the other hand, go crazy if nothing is on.  When we travel to Florida, I now take a iPod along and I enjoy my music as I drive the horrid midnight - 6 AM shift!  It's quiet for the family who are sound asleep and yet keeps me awake!  Works great!  Sunday mornings was a time of praise for me before going to church.  I thought ... if I am getting ready I may as well listen to something fun or uplifting.  Mike ~ wanted quiet.  A time to sit down and read some scripture before church.  Time to meditate.  Time to put his mind to rest at least one morning each week.  For, all the other mornings, he has phone calls, appointments, customers and people needing his advice a lot!  So, I tried to play music only in the bedroom and have it quiet.  It worked.  But, now we seem to have our "Sunday morning songs" that we both love to play!  "Rescue Me" by Wynonna Judd is a favorite.  "Let the Worshipers Arise" is another must play.  :)
I go through stages of what kind of music soothes my soul.  After my morning devotions, I turn on 94.5 while the kids and I get breakfast and get them off to school.  Then at 9 AM, I turn on Pandora.  I am SO into Pandora Radio.  It's an online station that you put in a favorite song or artist and then it plays music that is of that kind.  Example:  I like southern gospel but sometimes I like a praise and worship mixed in with it.  I also like a country voice, so right now I put in Jeff and Sheri Easter for my station and it plays me such great songs!  It's some upbeat and then some that rests my busy life.  94.5 gets put back on at 4 - supper time!  It's wonderful!!!

Here are some favorites right now that I enjoy each day!!! 

So, if you are a little like me and enjoy some great music, turn on your radio today!  Or put in your favorite CD and turn it up just a little louder.  I promise it will be an uplifting and a great moment!  :)