Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This is what I call Spring weather!!!

With our windy, not so warm, weekend behind us, I am so happy to see the forecast saying 81 degrees for today!!!  I know that it's Spring and not Summer, but I have been waiting for warmer weather and that forecast sounds great!

When it gets warmer outside, I start with the Spring work outside.  There is so much to clean up and do!  My flower beds, my garage needs a good organizing and the barn needs attention too!  I love doing all this when it warms up.  However, my body is suffering this morning with sore muscles from me using muscles that need worked more often!  (You know the kind of muscles that stretch extra much from pulling so many weeds?!)  :) 

Last Friday, we had a sunny afternoon and I just had to do something outside to celebrate the warmth!  I trimmed all our rose bushes.  We have 9 big ones and so by the time I was finished, I had sore hands and a few pricks here and there.  Every time I do this job, I think of the crown of thorns the soldiers put on Jesus' head.  I can't imagine how much that must have hurt ... a thorn prick here and there hurts!  The kids helped me pick up all the clippings and they too were talking about how terrible it must have felt with picky thorns in His flesh!

Yesterday, the weather was nice and perfect to do more work outdoors.  I started to edge around the house.  I don't like this job ... so I chose it first.  Get the hard, not so enjoyable things off the list!  My back always gets sore.  Last night, Mike edged along the pine trees and I just finished up that project!!!  That makes me smile!

I hope to plant some petunias (Am I crazy?  Maybe I'll wait just one more week???) and pull more weeds this afternoon! 


I was convicted yesterday that the past few weeks I have been complaining inside my head and sometimes even verbally about the weather conditions.  I am so ready for things to warm up but that doesn't give me the right to be complaining!  So, today, I am starting with a new outlook.  I know God controls the weather.  No one else can make it rain (which we could use some), make it windy, or make the sun shine bright in a gorgeous, blue sky!  I had the sprinkler running to water my fresh, young plants that are just peaking through the dirt in the garden.  Thank you Lord for the rain and sun!  I am so blessed!


Reading in my devotions this week, I am in the Old Testament.  I reread about some of the plagues the Egyptians went through when Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go free.  This morning I read about how God lead them through the Red Sea on 'dry' ground and then how the Egyptian army that was after the Israelites, all died in that sea.  The Bible says that the Egyptians realized that God was fighting against them.  How wonderful is the God we serve!  He fights our battles for us if we only take the time to see it.  He is there for us!!!  He is the same God now as He was back then and sometimes I just need that reminder!

Enjoy the warm days!  I am!  Warm days make for lots of work but I am so grateful I am able and healthy to get my chores done!

The outdoors are calling for me!  Gotta go!  :)