Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Christmas with the Riehls.


We spent Christmas Day with my side of the family!!!  Mom had the table all set up and we had so much food to eat and enjoy!!!  Then we exchanged gifts.  What a fun time for everyone!

 Hadassah loves her dad!!!

And guess what?  So do I!!!

We got an ottoman for my parents and then each added our own little gifts to it!

Mommy D. joined us. 

We spent the rest of the evening playing "fist".  What a fun night!!!


Wednesday was spent at home taking out the Christmas tree and ridding off the dry greens inside the house!  It felt good clearing some of those dry needles!  Ashlyn was then up throwing up during the night on Wednesday.  The both of us didn't sleep well and we were up almost every hour.  Thursday she was still throwing up but by afternoon she was tired but feeling a bit better.  I decided to face the day with low energy and I kept busy with cleaning the house and packing for the cabin.  But by 5:00 PM, Austin was complaining of belly ache and Hadassah was in bed not feeling well.  I voted to sleep at home one more night and then head for the cabin Friday morning but when Mike came home from work, the majority vote said "leave tonight".  We loaded up and off we went.  We stopped one time to let Hadassah throw up. 

We arrived at the cabin around 9:30 PM and Melanie had already thrown up at the cabin.  This was not looking very good!  I slept good Thursday night and we ate a good breakfast and played games.

Then it hit us!!!  Friday night, there were four of us females throwing up during the night.  I was on the coach upstairs and I could have timed it that after I was out of the bathroom, then here goes Mim!  The stomach bug hit hard!  Mim, Jody, Megan and I were all down on Friday!  This left all the males and Mom to babysit and make meals and hunt.  Mom was going in circles with piles of laundry, babysitting, making my breakfast and helping with Mim's supper!  She was a champ! 

We were ready for a new day on Saturday.  Except then it was then Morgans turn and my Mom ended up sick.  Unreal!!!  Hadassah took a friend along and Jenna was then sick.  All ten of us females at the cabin were sick!!!  No males!


Mike saw the biggest bear of his life at the cabin.  We played games of dice.  The men ate crab legs while us ladies laid around with belly ache.  We left the cabin on Sunday and I was ready to be back home hopefully in a germ free environment!!!

We will never, ever forget this cabin trip!!!