Monday, January 28, 2019


Hadassah turned seventeen over the weekend and she is excited about the next year of her life!  She made it through the sixteen year old year by healing up a sprained ankle, passing her permit on the second try, passing her license after going through a life long lesson and finishing up her sophomore high school year!!!
Being a teenager in this day of age is no easy task!!!  Hadassah is surrounded by Christian peers every single day and has chosen a group of wonderful friends and for that Mike and I are VERY grateful!!!  She is in her Junior year at school and works for Mike with her internship.  She beautiful and really has a strong conscience for the things that right and true and God-fearing!

She is very health conscience as well.  She said she wants to do Whole 30 for the month of January and really she eats Whole 30 most of her days!  She rarely eats bread and if she does she wants the healthy sprouted kind.  She fuels up daily on salads and packs this for her lunch every single day.  Almond milk is in the fridge for her.  Two eggs, one banana and cinnamon all blended together is what she fries up before volleyball practises.  Her most asked question usually is "is it healthy?"  Her health and diet have improved her sports skills and the way she feels!
Hadassah says that I make a photo session out of everything.  And she's right!!!  :)  But she is also the one that inside likes that.  When we were at the cabin last summer, she asked for a mini photo session.  And then when we went for our Christmas tree, she wanted some pictures taken of just her.  She is one of the reasons why photography is fun!!!

May God bless your seventeen year of life Hadassah!!!  We love you so much and I really enjoyed our night out last week to shop and eat and to celebrate your life!!! 

Happy Birthday!!!