Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Freezing germs away!!!

It is so, so cold here in our state!!!  The winter tempts are defiantly here and I'm really hoping it will kill all of these winter bugs that Ashlyn keeps catching!!!!  Ashlyn is home sick again today.  She had a December where she was sick every Wednesday and Thursday of that whole month.  It was else a cold or fever or stomach bug!!!  She seems to be one of the first to catch germs here at our home.  It's now January and she was healthy and well until this weekend.

(This was on the weather app for this past weekend.)

Shakia was here for a few days and ended up becoming sick before going back to her home.  I felt so bad for her to be sick here.  Ashlyn was loving her playmate and friend and felt bad for her when she ended up on the couch with a fever.  I had my fingers crossed because Ashlyn seems to catch everything lately.  Second grade has had so many sick pupils out of school and I'm sure that's also a part of catching these terrible germs!  Shakia went back to her home on Saturday but still not well.  Sunday morning Ashlyn woke up sick!  :///  I hoped for a second that it was just a cold and nothing too serious.

Hadassah was in her first 2019 Volleyball Tournament over the weekend at Spooky Nook!  I couldn't wait to go watch her play and see her skills improve even more!  She's really been loving the new PA Elite Team and has worked VERY hard at her practises.  She's come home with a black and blue toe and thumb more than once now.  She jumps and her toes hit the front of shoe.  She hits the volleyball so much that it bruises her thumb.  This doesn't stop her!  It motivates her to keep practicing and get better!  We went to her first games on Saturday.  We took the younger ones along and that always makes for an interesting day.  All Mike and I would wish for is to sit and cheer for Hadassah!  Instead we usually end up taking turns entertaining the little ones.  It was a bit better with the tournament being a Spooky Nook!  This is an indoor sports arena with lots of different things to do.  Of course we were there to watch volleyball but in between games Mike let the Ashlyn and Austin climb up the rock walls.  They were both in a harness and loved the climbing!!!

Sunday was going to be a full day with church, small group lunch, volleyball games and then end with watching the Chiefs play the Patriots in football!  When Ashlyn woke up Sunday morning not well, I decided to stay home with her and let Mike and Matthew go to church alone.  Ashlyn was coughing and running nose.  I gave her some meds hoping this was all it was!  She seemed 'not too bad' after she ate lunch and Lena had texted and said that Ashlyn and Austin could stay at their house while we go to the volleyball.  We dropped them off at Lena's and headed for volleyball.  Hadassah's team played great!!!  Won all three sets!  We then dropped off Matthew and Chandler off at youth group and went to say goodbye to Mom Lapp.  She left for the Sunshine State Monday morning and we wanted wish her off!  We got back to Matt and Lena's in time for the big football game!!!  Matt grilled up a bunch of wings and Lena added crab stuffed mushrooms and fruit!  It felt like Super Bowl!  We were ALL into the game.  It got late and the kids were getting tired.  Ashlyn wasn't feeling well and on the couch.  We were so disappointed that the Chiefs lost at such a close game!!!  What a bummer!  We drove home in the freezing cold and tucked the two youngest into bed!  Hadassah ended up at youth group after volleyball and could bring Matthew along home!!!  I love when things work out like that!!!

Adrian had a birthday and so of course there was cake and ice cream served while watching football too!  Happy birthday Adrian!

Monday was Martin Luther King JR Day and the kids were off of school.  I don't know what to do with Matthew on these days because he's old enough to do some work but wants to act lazy all day!  It was VERY, VERY cold and windy outside so he really couldn't shoot any hoops outside.  He did mange to feed the chickens and bring in the dumpster and bring in the kids sleds that had blown into the farmers field!  Ashlyn was on the couch ALL day long.  Feverish.  Sick.  Headache.  I'm really hoping none of the rest of us catch this germ!!! 

Hadassah had one more day of volleyball.  They played a game at 1 PM and lost.  We were really hoping they could make it to the finals!  I had plans to go out with my girlfriends for coffee and a night of chatting and catching up in our lives but I wasn't about to take Ashlyn out of the house.  It was still cold and windy and Mike and Matthew wanted to go work at church.  I had originally asked my mom if the two youngest could stay at their house until Mike was done at church but Ashlyn wasn't well.  It ended up that Hadassah could come home and be with her so I could go be with my friends and Mike could go to church.  When I got back home Ashlyn did seem a bit better and I again hoped she would be well by morning!

This morning Mike left for work without turning on the kitchen lights and living room lights on because Ashlyn wanted to sleep on the couch and asked him to "be quite" in the morning.  :)  When I woke up I read my devotions with a flashlight and then wondered how she would be if I woke her!?!  She still didn't look good and felt sick.  OK, another day on the couch. 

It's still really cold outside but the winds calmed down the sun is shining!  I didn't have to give any meds to Ashlyn all day which is a good sign!  She's now up and doing piano and reading for school and it's 2:00!!!  I think she's on the mend!  I really want to get an immune booster vitamin for her!  Maybe then she will stay on the healthy side for the rest of the winter!!!

Well, I'm off to get supper on and head out for my twin nieces, plus Olivia's birthday party tonight!!!  (If Ashlyn stays well anyway!!!)

Stay warm!