Friday, January 18, 2019


We had a two hour delay for school this morning and I was thankful for that delay!!!  We were out late last night watching Matthew's basketball game and then we stayed for the Varsity games after that.  The last game went over time.  It was time to get home, get bathes and get to bed!  So, this mornings snow and delay were much appreciated!!!  Thank you, God!
Shakia's been staying here the past few days and the girls were still so tired when they woke up at 8:30 this morning.  They said they were up playing Legos till late.  :/
Here's my view from the kitchen window this morning!  The blue birds and cardinals didn't show up this winter and that makes me so sad!  I love birds and seeing the blue birds and red cardinals at the feeders is a delight for me but so far it's just been these sparrows.  Too many cats???
The birds love to sit on our Christmas tree that we put outside!  It makes for the perfect place for them to sit when it snows!!!


Austin loves guns!  Today we built guns out of these building blocks.

And even made a target!

Austin gets so bored with being the only kid at home when the others are in school and so I'm the one who tries to entertain him!  And before you think that playing with him is always easy or fun, it's challenging.  I've prayed often when the others were young and in little adult stages that I would enjoy playing with them.  It was SO hard for me to sit and play tea party with no end in sight.  Now games, that seemed different.  At least there was a winner and I knew there was an ending.  I've come a long way with the play date moments and I'm even more realizing that this stage is so short!!!  Why should I or even want to pass these days by quickly?  Mothering is the best gift ever!!!


Matthew's all into his basketball games right now!  They are fun to watch and we really hope they will have a win one of these weeks!!!


It's winter.  It snowed last night and the forecast is saying for more flurries this weekend!!!  We can't wait to snuggle.  Watch football.  Go to church.  Watch Hadassah's first volleyball tournament games for the Winter season!!! 

Life is good!  God IS SO GOOD!!!  I am incredibly blessed!!!