Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Belmar Beach, NJ, in October!!!!

 "Go along to the beach!!!!"  That's all I need to hear to get me there!!!!  Last week, we had summer like tempts and when some church ladies invited me to go to the beach, there was no way I was staying home! We left after the school kids were off and drove to Belmar, NJ!  

The beach was so beautiful!  The skies were blue, blue with no clouds in sight!  I dug my toes into the sand and let the sun rays rest on my body!  It felt so good to feel the warmth and get a refreshed tan!  

These ladies are special and I love that we get to go to church together!

We ended the day with a marvelous Italian meal just off the beaten beach path!  What a great day it was!!!!

Such beauty!!!!!

Mental note .... go visit the beach in the fall time!!!!  It's so beautiful!