Wednesday, November 2, 2011

31 Weeks Old ...

That seemed kinda funny typing in 31 weeks.  I think maybe 7 1/2 months sounds a little better!  Anyway, Ashlyn is growing and advancing to new things and accomplishments.  She is blabbing a lot and says dadadada, mamamama and then makes some funny noises and bubbles with her mouth.  I don't think she knows that she is saying dada and mama but it's a start of her baby talk.  She also started waving this week.  She's done it a few times and we think it's so cute!  She loves her veggies and baby foods.  She makes a total mess with saltine crackers but really likes them.  I got some baby yogurt in blueberry flavor, she eats it, but I can tell it's not her favorite flavor!  She's fun to feed because she has not yet turned anything down that came her way.  We gave her a french fry the other night and she loved that too.  I need to keep a close eye on her when she eats things that are more hearty though because she seems to gag easy and we don't want any chocking!  She doesn't have any teeth yet but she chews on everything with such passion.  I know the teeth aren't too far off.

This is Ashlyn this morning.  We like to call her "sweetie peetie" ...

Hadassah had a piano recital last night at school.  She's been taking piano lessons for three years now and is getting better all the time!  She played a nice little piece and did great.  No mistakes even though she was a little bit nervous.

Remember the dog picture I posted last weekend?  Well, they are now gone!!!  Yesterday, the lawn man came and sprayed the yard.  It wasn't the easiest to work around all those hilarious looking wooden dogs!  The youth came late last night and moved them from our yard to Matt Lapps!!!  I got a text from Marlene this morning at 6 AM and she wrote "keep ur doggies to urself"!  Funny!  Look out ... you might be the next to have these creatures in your front lawn!  (We did find out that the youth are doing this as a fund raiser for their youth activities.  They made the dogs and if or when they arrive in your yard, you call one of the youth leaders and tell them where you want to put the dogs next.  They come and move them to the next destination.  They are asking for any money donations when they get moved and then they will use that money for upcoming youth activities.  Creative!)

My next few days are going to busy but fun!  We have family coming around this weekend for Anna Ruth's wedding next week and that is going to be action packed I am sure.  Seeing cousins again that you don't get to see as much anymore is like one BIG party for our kids!  I have some cleaning to do, a crop to go to (Yes!!!) and a mystery youth supper to help mom prepare for.

Have a great mid week!!!  Be a blessing to someone today!