Wednesday, November 16, 2011

33 weeks ...

Ashlyn is again another week older.  She's getting more hair and keeps improving on her motor skills.  She still does her funny crawl and then gets on her fours and just rocks.  She can now go on her knees when she plays with her big block toy.  It's happened a few times that she pulled the toy on herself and it sent her flying back on her butt.  The latest funny thing she is doing is playing with Ginger.  Our house dog has her own toys but when she is laying beside Ashlyn and has a toy, Ashlyn will grab it.  Ashlyn pulls and then Ginger pulls.  It looks so funny and Ginger actually pulled Ashlyn on the carpet a little when Ashlyn had a good grip and didn't let go!  I think these two will be very good friends.

Her nose is healing ...

Speaking of pet friends ...
For those of you that visit our home now and then, you are well aware of our "CATS".  I don't know how many times I said, "Yep, it's like we live on a cat farm."

It all began with our pet cat, "Whiskers".  8 years ago, my aunt had a garden tour that I went through and when I was finished with the tour, she thought Hadassah should have a kitten.  Hadassah was only 1 and I thought a kitten would be nice.  I never would have guessed that this little kitten would become a very nice outdoor pet.  We named her Whiskers and she has had more kittens that any other cat around.  She always had at least one really fluffy kitten in each litter.  Adorable kittens.  We had someone come and buy 2 kittens and they made them house cats!  Crazy, but these kittens were soooo cute.  More than regular kittens! 

Anyway, a few weeks ago, Whiskers got into a fight or something.?.  She was banged up pretty good and her nose looked terrible.  The tip actually fell off.  Before we left for the cabin last Friday, I took a picture of her because I just didn't think she would live too much longer.  This past Monday, I was hollering her name outside and usually she comes running, but not this time.?.  I mentioned something to the kids that maybe she died, but they didn't want to hear that.  Yesterday morning, Mike went out back and checked under the barn and sure enough ... Whiskers died.  How were we going to tell the kids?  I knew they weren't going to be happy and whatever about it ... it was their pet and they really liked her.

Our cat Whiskers ...

They both cried and cried!  It was sad for Mike and I too ... not so much that the cat died, but how the kids reacted.  They were asking if animals go to heaven?  They both wrote letters to Whiskers.  Matthew even picked some mums and laid them out in the box that Mike put Whiskers in.  Hadassah cried for a few minutes straight and then seemed to OK.  Matthew on the hand, took this really hard.  It is his job to feed the cats and I didn't realize how much Whiskers meant to him.  He said, "But we don't have another cat that is that tame.  She was my favorite.  Now I won't ever see her again. ..."  Tonight, Mike dug a big hole and the kids buried Whiskers.  Sad.

We do have some kittens (five of them) from the litter this past summer.  If anyone would like a great Christmas gift for a child, let me know.  Free!  I think we might keep one kitten for ourselves and maybe make another great pet!!!