Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

This morning we relaxed, slept in, and had a family meeting.  We've been saying for too long that we want to have a family meeting and write down some family goals and maybe come up with something like a 'family mission statement'.

Mike told Hadassah and Matthew to each write down 5 things that they would like for our family.  Some goals. Attitudes.  Whatever they want or would like to see in our family.

After about 10 minutes of them thinking together and writing down their thoughts they came up with this:

Hadassah wrote - 1.) Pray for each other. 2.) Be loving to each other. 3.) Do not fight. 4.) Listen on mom and dad. 5.) Never yell or be mean.

Matthew wrote - 1.) Help each other. 2.) Thank God everyday. 3.) Time to talk about about our family. 4.) Give a smile every day. 5.) Say good words to each other. 6.) Love mom and dad.

I will probably be posting more about this later.  Mike and I have our statements too and I need some time to combine these thoughts and make our final statement.