Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Dinner Pictures ~

I didn't have the time to download my pictures of the Dienners Christmas Dinner the other night when I wrote about our first Christmas gathering.  We've been at a few since this dinner.  All with extended family.  All great fun and delicious foods!  Love all these people!

Here's the left over soups.  We always have lots left ... but that's the way we like it.  People can be treated the next night with left overs!
 Guys playing a game of Acquire.
 Here are my Aunts and Uncles from the Dienners ...

 Here are my wonderful grandparents!  I love them very much and cherish each Christmas with them!  Sister Jody, made an album with family memories and here they are opening up their album.
 Mommy D. always gives each person a gift.  Ashlyn loves her little bag and mittens!  Matthew and Hadassah both received $20!  Thanks Mommy and Daudy D.!!!

Christmas just would never be the same if we wouldn't gather with the Dienners!  We appreciate it very much that we are still invited and they include the extended family to this special dinner!

Just yesterday, we were together with the "Riehl Family".  Thanks to JR & Erma for opening up their place for the big gathering!  The food was so yummy!  We spent the entire afternoon playing cards, ping pong, eating snacks and singing. 

Here's my grandfather on the Riehl side ... Daudy Riehl!  He's special!  He loves to play Rook and the games always get loud and late into the night.  Matthew and Mike played ping pong together after the ball game in the meadow.

Ashlyn and Hadassah were playing with the other children.  The afternoon was fun!

We spent the evening being together as a family.  We heard about the horrible shootings in Connecticut and then the terrible vehicle accident in our area taking the life of a little boy of only six years old, plus viewing the life of an elderly neighbor who has now passed into eternity.  All of this just brings lots of questions.  Why do things like this happen?  Death is never in 'right timing' in our earthly minds ... especially not two weeks before Christmas!  Only God's timing. 

We don't the know the six year old boys parents well, but we do know the grandparents.  We stopped in at the viewing yesterday on the way to our Christmas dinner.  Our children went along inside and viewed the little boy.  Death is cold.  It can even be scary, especially to children.  Not the kind of scary of our destination, but because we want to live.  Death for a believer, however, is viewed much differently.  The passing of one life to another forever with Jesus!  Death is hard for an adult to understand at times.  It can be even harder for a child!

We walked into the house and shook hands with the family and their friends.  When the dad of the little boy saw our children, he started crying.  Oh, how his heart must ache!  How he must wish to hold his son again.  How the mother must wish to kiss and tickle her son again too! 

When we entered the room where the coffin was, Matthew went marching right up to the coffin and just looked.  I told Mike to go get him and wait his turn but then we saw him just looking.  How sad.  He didn't know this boy, Michael.  He only knew the story that we told him.  It's the first time he saw a boy in a coffin and how sad it really was.  He saw the bruises on the lifeless boy's face.  He noticed the white skin and lifeless lips.  We left there very sad.  Not because of hope that this boy is now in heaven dancing with Jesus but because his life here on earth seemed so short.  So short.

Last night, as we tucked the kids into bed, it just seemed like I could have held them close and forever!  We don't know how many days we will be together as a happy, healthy family.  However, we do know and believe that God holds the future and we must have peace in knowing that.  Matthew didn't go to bed happy.  He started crying and said all he can see is that little boy laying there so cold and still.  He mentioned the closed lips and that they looked pasted shut.  He noticed the bruises and the tape over his head was only a reminder of how bruised he had gotten.  We prayed for Matthew.  I sat by his bedside and talked a bit longer before tucking him in again. 

I crawled into bed heartbroken.  I am the type that wants to keep all sadness and hurts out of our lives, especially out of our children's lives.  I can't.  We live in a world of hurts.  But we live in a world that God created and He wants to reign!  Reign in our hearts!

A few minutes later, Matthew came over to our bedside crying and said that he was afraid.  I knew what he was thinking.  He would never want to leave his family.  It's only how little boys should think, I think. 

Mike caressed him in our bed and held him close.  Tear's came to my eyes too.  We laid in bed together praying and asking for a good night's rest.  It wasn't too long before Matthew was laid back in his bed sound asleep.

I am thinking so much of this family today as they bury their loved, young son in the ground.  Oh, how I want to cherish each moment and day with my children and husband more!  I am also thinking of all those in CT.  How terrible and unfair.  My heart hurts for all those hurting.  May God truly be present in their hearts today and always!

The Christmas Season is to be filled with Christmas cheer and joy and peace!  Please join our family in praying for those hurting today. 


On a much lighter note, here's a childhood memory Christmas song.  I could find only two videos of this song online.  I don't know why only two.?.  I love this song, so despite the video clipping ... enjoy the words and song!!! :)