Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's December 1 ~ 2012

December officially begins today.  The funnest, busiest holiday is approaching closer and closer.  My house is filled with fresh greens and I love the smell that comes inside from them.  The nativity is set up by the picture window.  The outside lights are 1/2 strung.  (I ran out of lights and will be stopping by a store today to get more.)  A big poinsettia sets on the dining room table.  Our latest family picture is sitting on the mantle and the lights and greens make it look so splendid.

With all those things being on the 'done list', there's still more things to do.  My Christmas cards are stuffed but without a letter and labels and stamps.  I am waiting for a quit moment to sit at the computer and type out the events we had as a family from the past year.  That will be my Christmas letter.  I also have some gifts to purchase yet.  My wreaths need hung by the windows.  The Christmas tree will probably be purchased next week.?.  But, I need to be reminded again and again that it's not all the 'stuff' we do to get ready for Christmas that really counts.  Plus, it is only December 1, right?  :) 

Let's not forget those around us that are hurting.  Grieving.  Sick.  Old.  Tired.

When it makes my day a little bit busier because I baked a batch of cookies for the neighbors, that's OK.  Maybe the small token of love will shine Christ through to them!

Last year, I posted Christmas songs on here to help spread the Christmas cheer!  We love Christmas music around our house and the day after Thanksgiving is a highlight for turning up the radio!  I JUST LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!

So, with that said, I will not promise to have a song every day and maybe it will be just a few this year.?.  I have already a list started from songs I heard on the radio and like.  Hopefully, it will be posted on here sometime.  :)

Because today is the first day of December, I will post a favorite!  Enjoy!  These words are such a great reminder for me!!!