Saturday, November 30, 2019

A time of giving THANKS!!!!

We got to spend Thanksgiving Day with Mike's family but first we did our annual family meeting around our dining room table!!!!  I tried to make pumpkin cinnamon rolls but they were a flop.  Not sure why they didn't rise???  I still baked them and the kids thought they were good but they looked weird and tasted heavy!!!  Not the soft, fluffy cinnamon rolls I had in mind.  Maybe I'll try it again sometime?!?

We sat around the dining room table as a family talking about some goals, vacations we would like to take and ways we can improve.  We mentioned things that we were thankful for!!!  But, the main topic was Mike going around the table and saying something positive about each of us!  Our family has cried many tears this past week with the passing of Parker.  Matthew was a golfing and school friend of Parker and his sudden death brought shock, grief, heaviness, deep discussions with our own kids and prayers for their family!  We are incredibly blessed to have our children around our table today healthy and thriving in life!!!!

We picked up Mommy Lapp and went to Steve and Linda's for Thanksgiving Dinner.  The table was set up so pretty and the food was delicious!

Linda made the turkey!!!

After dinner, we sat in the living room with the teenagers.  The little people went to the basement to play toys.  Jeffrey and Hadassah are only a few weeks apart and did so much together when they were younger!!!!  They don't see each other real often anymore but both are still fun, funny and the life of the party!

We all piled on Linda's couch for a family photo!  Jeremiah was at the dinner too and got to meet the Lapp family!  These are my main blessings in life and today I am SO, SO grateful to hug them, serve them and call them family!!!!


We headed back home around supper time and chilled out as a family.  Hadassah and Jeremiah went with his extended family out Black Friday shopping.  They were out ALL night.

Meanwhile, I also went shopping and this time Matthew joined me.  Hadassah and I shopped on this night together for many years but now it's me and Matt!  We went to a few stores, Matthew met up with some school friends along the way and then we went home before midnight!  My shopping list for Christmas didn't get check off but some personal things were bought at a great discount!

My bed felt good when I got home but mostly my heart was full from spending the day together with the most precious people in my life - FAMILY!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!