Tuesday, November 12, 2019

We are seeing signs of the holidays!!!

The other day Austin was looking at my weather app on my phone and it showed a snowflake!  He was all excited and was watching for the flakes!  The morning it was forecasted, he looked again but the forecast changed and it was gone.  He cried and cried and I told him that I wasn't the one in charge of the weather!  Only God can make it snow!  He stopped crying.  And you know what happened about an hour later ... it snowed!  Only a few flurries but we shouted and rejoiced!!!!  Austin went looking for his snow gear!  He cannot wait for the first snow fall!!!!

This is really how Austin wants to dress every day.  We cannot get over the shorts and no shoes.  He's just refusing to wear pants and warmer clothes.  And this is who he has been hanging out with every Monday lately!  I'm in charge of our Ladies Bible Study at Honeybrook Church for a few weeks.  Austin is staying with these dear boys until I'm finished with each session.  Thanks Mim!

Something else that happened in our house is I actually wrapped a few Christmas gifts!!!!  I had a few things I bought and I didn't want the kids to see them, so they got wrapped up!  And, our Christmas cards arrived in the mail!!!  I'm feeling ahead of the rush this season and I'm not complaining to get these tucked into envelopes early!!!

Austin is a great actor.  If there's a movie he watched recently, he is acting it out.  Right now it's else David and Goliath or Peter Rabbit!  He hopes all over the house.  I painted him a picture the other day of Peter because he requested that!  It's cute to watch him play and act!

It was high time to get my feet scrubbed again and because we've got some fun weekend events coming up, I decided to get a fresh paint!

Talking about Christmas gifts ... Ashlyn filled up a box of goodies for a special child and sent it to Samaritans Purse.  We do this every year with our school and it's such a easy and fun way to bless a child this holiday season!!!!  She wrote a small note and added a photo of her!  We prayed for whoever will receive this gift!!!!  It was packed with love from Ashlyn!  She also had character dress up day at school and she chose to wear the police outfit!

I've been saving holiday recipes on Pinterest for awhile already and I couldn't wait to try these Gingerbread Cookies!  They are delicious!!!!  And look at these winter berries right outside my window!!!!!  These are signs that Christmas is coming soon!!!!!

Biscottis are a favorite of ours!  They are a hard cookie/biscuit that you dip into your coffee and then enjoy!  I made another batch of gingerbread ones and also a batch of Cranberry Orange!  Both are so yummy!!!!!  Again, Pinterest recipes for the win!!!!

Everywhere you go these days, you see more and more signs of Christmas!  The stores are stocked with trees, lights and gifts!  Austin's favorite place is Costco!!!!  I only bought a few items so far but it's a start!

We are super excited to start making holiday memories as a family!!!!  We have a packed full November with our annual football weekend coming up and then a quick trip to Florida to see Ritchie and then it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas!!!!!  What a fun time of the year!!!!!!

Blessings to you as you start with the holiday festivities!!!!  Don't forget the blessings all come from a BLESSER!!!!  God has been so good to me and to my family!!!!  We are all healthy!  We have funds to pay all our bills and stay warm in a cozy, beautiful home!  We are happy to all be living peacefully under one roof!  I love my husband and children so much!!!!  BUT .... God is the giver of all good things!!!!  I am sealing that in my mind and heart throughout this whole time of celebrating Christ's birth!!!!

Happy holiday beginnings!!!!!