Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dear Blog,


Ashlyn is still not feeling the best.  Yesterday, was a rough day for her and me!  She woke up feeling somewhat better ... I thought.?.  She wasn't feverish anymore but so whiny!!!  She whined all day and hearing that makes me so mind weary!

After her morning nap, I attempted to do some birthday shopping.  She was such a bear in both stores and I was never so ready to get back home ... like that was going to make it much better?  I didn't get accomplished what I hoped for, so now I am still without birthday gifts.

At lunch, Mike called and said the carpet guys are coming anytime to finish up the dining room.  I was happy for the news and yet weary to hear that more dirt will await me!  The carpet was finished by the time I came back with the school kids.  I tried to move the furniture and all my stuff back in place with a very cranky baby.  Finally, I just gave up and sat on the chair and caressed her.  I thought about calling the doctor, but her fever is gone and her pussy eyes are better.  She just needs to "feel" better yet!

Mike came home from work, I guess I must have looked drained.  He looked at me, took baby and said, "You look tired.  Why don't you take a break and go out to Starbucks for a coffee?"  Oh, so sweet!  He does his part with caring and loving the kids ... even when they are sick.  Most times it seems that when the children are sick, the mom becomes the doctor and nurse.  I must say at our house, Mike steps up to the plate and becomes "Dr. Dad"!  Thanks Hun!!!

I didn't take up his offer with going to Starbucks.  (I know ... I must be crazy!)  Instead, I filled the tub up with hot water, made some tea, and soaked!  It felt so good and honestly, it was refreshing for baby too.  The minute Mike walked in the door and took her, her countenance changed.  It was like the joy of her life just entered!  And really, that's true.  Mike and Ashlyn are best buds and she adores all the time he spends with her!

Now ... this morning.  Mike and I took turns getting up with Ashlyn last night.  Her cough kept waking her up and then she wanted a drink or her nuk or just feel that we were right there for her.  Mike got up at 6 AM and held her.  I took the first opportunity to go to a yard sale.  Mike stayed with the kids while I went!  I got only a few pieces of clothing for baby and was back home in no time!  The little time out and get away was good. 

I worked on some refreshing Bible study homework while Baby took her morning nap.  A drink of fresh water ... scripture!  We are still doing the "Jesus, The One and Only" series from Beth Moore.  We are studying this week about the last supper, passover, and betrayal.  My past few days of caring for a sick baby and becoming mind weary, seems like a drop in a bucket when it compares to the trials Jesus was about to face.  Facing the cross was not an easy task by no means!!!  Being betrayed by a friend was not just something us 'full' humans would just shrug off!  Nope.  But Jesus knew he was sent here on earth for one mission and he was praying that God would somehow "take away the cup" but then prayed for "YOUR will, not mine be done."  Jesus could have called thousands of angels.  He could've took another route, but he didn't.  He choose to die for you and for me!  He GAVE his life!  WILLINGLY AND WITH ARMS STRETCHED FORTH!  Oh, how precious!

So, please forgive me blog, if I become complaisant and weary in my journey of mothering and life!  Today, I will choose to move forward.  Forward with a good attitude and a joyful spirit!!!

Tonight is going to be a treat!!!  Mike's parents returned home this week from their vacation to Florida.  Mike's mother always plans a family "strawberry pie" party when they get back!!!  That's tonight!  There's no pie like Yoder's pies from Florida!

Have a blessed weekend!