Monday, May 7, 2012

Highlights ~

We had a great weekend!!!  It was filled with work, yard sale deals, baking, cooking, grilling, church, fellowship and relaxing!  All of these are highlights!

Work ... Mike worked hard at his dad's farm on Saturday.  His brothers and him needed to clean out some buildings and add some walls to prepare for renters.  They are making some of dad's empty storage units into rental units for local businesses.  The project went well!  When he came home late Saturday afternoon, we scooped some mushroom mulch onto the garden.  Our plants are looking great and healthy!  We've been enjoying the lettuce and radishes very much!  Nothing seems better than your own home grown lettuce!!!

Yard sale deals ... OK, it's been a huge activity for me the past few weeks but is going to be slowing down quit a bit from now on.  My favorite weeks of yard sailing are in April and May.  After that, it is summer vacation for us, no school, sleeping in, and usually other activities over the weekends.

My sister and I stuck together this time.  We found great deals on Friday!  We went to a local community sale early Friday evening and I found a bunch of shirts for Hadassah.  We had my kids along with us and Hadassah was tickled pink!!!  She loves "Justice" shirts!  Found lots!!! $1.50 a piece!

Saturday morning, I was up early and out again with Jody.  This time I left my kids at home with Mike and Jody had her girls along.  We went to a huge development yard sale and had a blast all over again.  We even got there "a little too early" and found a Starbucks for a latte' and then went back to shop!  This time I found clothing for Ashlyn and for Matthew!!!  Summer clothes and some even for next summer!  I seriously just love buying name brand clothing for $1 a piece!  I also found something for Mike's birthday!!!  Can't wait to give it to him!!!  (It's a surprise ... so I can't tell yet what it is!)  I also found some other small items that the kids are loving to play with!  Thanks Jody for going with me!  It was really fun!

Baking, cooking, and grilling ... I have been going to a place that sells market leftover bakes, meats, and deli's the past few weeks too.  They have wonderful foods and at very cheap prices!  The girls and I went Saturday night and came home with some chicken wings, homemade bread, a homemade Italian loaf, desserts, and some deli's.

Grilling homemade hamburgers ... (You probably know by now, that if I can make something instead of buying a processed food ... I prefer it that way!  I happen to think homemade burger mixed with your own spices and ingredients, beats any hamburger you can buy anywhere!) Grilling was a quick Friday night meal.  We came back from yard sailing hungry!  The evening was spent at home with my in-laws here playing Settlers! 

I had a feeling that we would invite some friends over sometime during the weekend.  Last night I mixed some taco salad ingredients together, pulled a head of lettuce from the garden, grabbed my Italian loaf I bought for $1, cut up the half angel food cake I also bought for $1, and chopped some fresh rhubarb.  The rhubarb crunch I baked was delicious!  We called up some friends and we had a fun gathering in no time!

I took my Italian loaf and cut it in half length wise and then put a spread mixture on top.  You take 1/2 cup of butter, softened and mix it with 2 Tb. mayonnaise, oregano, 3 garlic cloves, basil, salt and pepper.  Spread that over your bread and top it with cheese.  Broil the bread for 5 minutes.  It was very tasty and I will defiantly be making it again!  A perfect combination with salad!

Church ... Mike taught the youth Sunday school class and I taught Hadassah's class.  We love church and our church people!  Some people from church are our very best friends!!!  Hadassah invited ShaLyn over for the afternoon and so then Matthew hung out with Madison.  These friends are great kids and our two oldest ALWAYS love to be with the Fisher's!

Fellowship ... time with friends and family is something that happens just about every weekend for us!  We love it that way!!!  Thanks Matt and Lena for the wonderful host lunch!!!  We would not miss it even if it's a last minute call!!!  Smile!

Relaxing ... I didn't get a run in at all all weekend.  Bummer.  Ashamed.  I have been slacking with my daily runs and hope to do better this week!  Our weather for March and April have seemed to switch themselves.  March was warm and beautiful weather for running.  April was a bit cooler.  Now it's May.  We've been having rain (which is much needed) but I really need to disciple myself to every day runs again!  But, my napped yesterday took over my urge to run.  I believe in relaxation too! 

It's now the start of a new week.  I read this morning.  "The faithful love of the Lord never ends.  His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him."  Lam. 3:22 & 23, 25

Bless someone this week.  Be filled with joy!  Love on your kids and even extra much on your husband!  I read this saying last week and love it.

"Let's not allow the good things in life to rob us of the best." 
(From a devotional book I like called, "The Hand that rocks the Cradle".)