Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekly menu's

I go through spurts doing this.  I like when I do this.  It makes supper time a bit easier for me.  It's called:  Planning a weekly menu!!!

A few years ago, I heard a speaker speak on ... well, I am not even sure, but something about 'organization'.  She had a calendar that she used only for her food menus.  Every week, she would write down each nights menu on her calendar and then grocery shop accordingly.  I loved the idea very much!!!

I did the same idea for a while.  I kept my 'menu calendar' beside all my cookbooks.  Most times when it happens now, it's just jotted down on a piece of paper and placed on the fridge.  However, the calendar idea is great for future menus too!  I am pretty sure your family won't remember what your week in January was and so use the exact foods for a week in May!  Easy!

I also love this idea of writing down my menus, because it gives me the freedom to 'think outside the box' with cooking.  So many times I see a recipe that looks yummy but I don't have all the ingredients on hand.  Then I never get to make it or try it.  If I write down my menu, I then write down my grocery list too.  Easy!

I would love, love if some of you would share any weekly menu's that have created for your families.  Maybe this is something you do too?  Even if you are the 'last minute supper cook', write it down and share it.  I have found that sometimes those last minute mixes are just as good as the well prepared meals!  This is also super cool for the busy summer days we have coming!

Doing this method has also helped me eliminate the 'more unhealthy foods'.  Chicken nuggets, hot dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches are OK ... but not every other meal.  Right???  I love to cook a good supper for my family and I feel it has it's rewards!

Here's a run down of our menu for this week.  It's never something I have to stick to and never change up.  Sometimes on Tuesdays I feel like making what I wrote down for our Wednesday night meal.  That's OK.  I have all my ingredients anyway, so change it up if you want.  Sometimes I will let Friday nights open for any last minute weekend fun foods that might call our name! 

Have fun with it and I would love to hear from you if you find this method works for the cook in your home!!! :)

It's now time for me to grill the steaks that have been marinating since Saturday night!  Time to slice the sweet potatoes for baked fries too!!!  (Did you ever try dipping sweet potatoe fries in apple butter?  So yummy!!!)