Thursday, May 17, 2012

Track and Field

What a very busy day!  A fun day for sure!  A day the kids have been waiting for for some time.  A day that finally arrived!!!


The day started out bright and early.  Matthew was up at 6:00 AM and crawled into bed with me and Mike.  He was so anxious for the big day!  He was ready for the bus way before normal time!  (We should have track and field more often!!! :) )  The kids went off to school with just their water bottles and a light snack in their hands!  Ashlyn, Mike and I met them at 9:15 AM to watch. 

All the grades from K - 5 started with Relay Style Races.  Both Hadassah and Matthew were on the green team this year.  Color coded!  All the races go by points.  I was of course cheering for anyone that was wearing "Green" all day long!

After lunch, it was all the running, jump rump and individual events.  Hadassah has been practicing on her running and ran one mile the other evening to practice for her 800 Meter Run today.  She ran it hard and at the end was tired and thirsty!  She also did the most jump ropes in her class with 127 jumps in one minute!  She also did the softball throw and 50 Meter race.

Matthew did long jump, soft ball throw, 100 Meter, and the 200 Meter!  All these he did great and tried with desperation to finish in good times!  Watching him run and try hard makes me so proud of him!

All these events make me remember back when I was a kid.  I like long jump.  Not that I was even that good, I just thought it was a cool event.  I still do!  I wasn't much of a big runner, so watching Hadassah practice for her 800 Meter was impressive to me!

The day was sunny and beautiful.  This is exactly the reason why May is one of my most favorite months of the year!  We are now sun kissed and our skin has the start of our summer tans!

I came home and was exhausted from being in the sun all day.  Just watching all that activity from all the running and sweat today made me even more tired.  But, I got refreshed, and went for my 2 mile run.  The weather was so perfect!  Cloudless, blue skies.  72 degrees.  A slight breeze and warm!


Today is also Ascension Day.  The day when Christ ascended into heaven a long time ago. 

As the disciples and others watched Him, He was blessing them.  "While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven.  Then they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy."  It also says in Acts 1, "After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight.  They were looking intently up into the sky and He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.  'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky?  This same Jesus, who has been taken form you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.'"

In my heritage, this is a day of celebration.  No work.  Often gatherings with friends at parks happen.  Time spent with family.  If you celebrate this holiday, remember the reason for it!  Christ ascended up into heaven and is going to one day return for all those who believe in Him!  Believe!!!


Yes, I did melt one of the Easter bunnies and now we have chocolate covered strawberries!  Will we did have!  They are all eaten up by now!  I also had some white cream left from crepes the other week stored in the fridge, so for dessert tonight, I stuffed a few more!  Those too are all gone!  I was lucky to snatch the last bite of one!  Mike and Hadassah can not leave these treats alone!!!