Monday, August 27, 2012

A toddler interview ...

Our baby is not much of a baby anymore ... she's now a toddler!  Ashlyn is at the age that is my all time favorite stage!!!  I enjoyed the 16 - 18 month stage with our other children very much!!!  They are learning, imitating, showing personality traits, talking and just being so lovable at this stage!!!!

Here are some facts about Ashlyn in her little life stages right now:

What are her favorite foods?
She figured out a while back how to open the pantry door.  She thinks it's a 'free for all at all times'.  Right now her favorite snack is salt-n-vinegar chips.  She licks it and makes a funny face but seems to enjoy them.  After a few chips, her lips turn a white color from the salt.  She also still loves cucumbers and blueberries!  Always happy to have your kids like veggies and fruit!  Most times she eats 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast.  She knows that there are Popsicles in the freezer and loves that treat every now and then.  Matthew is her hero for getting her that snack!!!  Hershey's chocolate makes her smile!

Favorite Toy?
She loves real babies and so playing with dolls is a new beginning for her.  Yesterday, Hadassah brought the small doll bed and some dolls upstairs for Ashlyn to play with.  As I type, she is pushing a doll around on one of Matthew's big toy trucks.  She adores babies and so watching her play doll is darling!

Very much!  She tries to say words ... lots of words.  She's got a vocabulary of about 30 words.  Way too cute when the kids say, "Ashlyn, say ________," and she does!  She likes to say "No" when she doesn't want something.  Another thing she loves to imitate is putting on shoes.  I am not sure what intrigues toddlers to do this but she looovvees to put on and off our shoes on her feet!  She makes the garage a mess in no time by pulling off shoes from the shoe rack.  Crocs, boots, flips, Mike's big work shoes, etc..  Last week, I bought her a pair of rain boots and she looks way to cute trotting around the back yard in them!!!

"I can do it myself"?
I can see her entering this stage really fast.  She gets so frustrating at times when she can't quite do something on her own, but it doesn't stop her from trying!  She wants to buckle herself in her car seat.  She wants to put her shoes on alone.  She brushes her own teeth all the time.

Nuk?  Blanket?
Yes, she still has her nuk and blanket for nap times.  I am still happy for the contentment it gives to her, but I also realize that the time is coming up fast to take away her nuk.  Soon ..... maybe?

She needs a nap every day ... even if she thinks she can do without!  Sometimes she still takes an hour nap in the morning, but most days it's just a long afternoon nap.  She sleeps the best when it's totally quit.  As soon as she hears noises, she's awake.  School started for the older kids and that now means she is back to getting up at 7:00 AM.  Her and Matthew are in the same bedroom, so when he's waking up and getting dressed for school, she wakes up.  Oh, well!


Training children is not near the same for each child.  Sometimes I wish that there would be a book written that works for all kids.  I am very thankful that we have the Bible as a great guide!!!  One child can be reprimanded by just stern words and then the next child needs a time out for days!!!  Ashlyn is getting pretty good at throwing little tantrums and we need to get a stop to that!  Trying.  Training.  Believing God will guide us through the toddler and 'terrible two' stages.  (You know ... personally I think us adults seem to use that phrase as a cope out or excuse for lack of disciple.  It does seem to be an easy way out at times.  It never seems to work in the long run though.)

I love Ashlyn's age right now.  I am sure you agree by looking at this sweetie!!!

She loves it outside!!!

 Her new rain puppy boots!!!

 "Now you listen here!  These are my boots and no one else's!!!!!"


About the rest of this family ...

Mike's in his allergy season right now.  All the doors and windows MUST be shut!!!  Yesterday morning, as we were getting ready for church, I just couldn't help but open all the bedroom windows and let some fresh, breezy air come in!  It was a matter of minutes until Mike came to me and looked at me in disbelief!!!  How could I do that to him?  OK, I turned right around and closed them all again.  I can feel fall in the air and I am so ready to air out the house and turn off the AC.  That will have to wait just a bit longer yet.  Allergy season for Mike only last for a few weeks.  Please pray for him and that his allergies will be gone and out of here!!!

Me ... I started running again.  I left myself slack off big time during the summer.  I just don't have to put myself in that hot heat and torture myself by running.  Yep ... torture is still how I feel sometimes when running.  I wish I could train my thinking to be "exercise is good for me.  It has great health benefits.  You actually have more energy when you burn calories and fat!  Enjoy running instead of dreading it."  I run this little message through my mind a lot.  I told myself that when school starts ... so will my running routine!  Well, school began and I am starting out slow.  Only one mile a run for now.  I am still warming up to the fact of doing this again.  Once I am in the routine, I actually do like it!  It's a big mind game for me.  God is my strength and my helper! 

We went for a family run yesterday afternoon.  It's amazing what your kids pick up by what us parents do.  Our habits become their habits in no time!  Well, both Hadassah and Matthew enjoy running (they get that from their dad!).  We strapped Ashlyn in the jogging stroller and off we went ... all five of us!  Matthew, Ashlyn and I went only one mile.  Hadassah went 2 1/2 miles and Mike went 4-5.  This morning both the kids were saying they have sore leg muscles but didn't complain!  :)

Hadassah is in the 5th grade and very excited about her year and teacher!  She's practicing sign language that her teacher is teaching them.  They already did two art projects.  She loves her school friends!

Matthew is now in 2nd grade and he too is excited about his new teacher and learning.  He asked me on Friday if I know how to home school?  "Well, buddy, I never did home school before.  I guess I don't really know how."  His response, "Oh, bummer.  I was hoping you could home school me tomorrow."  (School on Saturdays???)


Have a great day and for a lot of kids today is their first day in school.  Enjoy the moment and see the small details in your life today.  Count your blessings!  Thank God for christian education!  Live out "real life" today!