Monday, August 20, 2012

August activities ...

August is going by so fast.  We are having a count down for school.  August is fun!

This past weekend, we were involved in a fundraiser to help raise funds for our church mission in Nicaragua.  The event was Friday night and Saturday.  Softball games, volleyball tournaments, archery shoots, dunk tank, singing, tons of wonderful foods, and a lot of work!!!

Friday, Mike and a group of guys put up an orange fence around all three ball diamonds.  This was for the home run rule ... one home run an inning.  He was also in charge of getting all the umpires and taking care of the fields.  He did a great job!!!  Thanks to all the guys that helped ump!!!

The kids and I were busy too.  Hadassah helped clean a bunch of fruit for fruit smoothies.  Mom and I cut up a lot of fresh fruit and put it in containers to sell.  Matthew played with the other boys at the park.  Ashlyn was at the event just a bit ... thank you babysitters that helped out!!!

Hadassah and ShaLyn cutting and eating fruit!
 Matthew and Orlando loved the dunk tank ...
 Matthew actually taking a turn in the tank ...
 Mike trying to hit the target and make Matthew fall into the water!!!
Our fresh cut up fruit ...

Sunday morning came way to fast.  Our Friday and Saturday nights got extremely late and when Sunday morning rolled in, we were still exhausted.  We didn't want to skip out on the baptism service at church though!!!  Many blessings to you Mim as you serve the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul.  Love you!!!

After the fellowship meal at church, we headed home for our beds!!!  It felt so marvelous to lay down and sleep!!!  Both Mike and I were tired.  The kids were too!  Hadassah and Ashlyn napped good too!

Sunday evening we spent with our friends.  We had a summer picnic on a back porch.  We ate yummy chicken, beans, and fresh fruit!!!  There's nothing like those good all summer picnics!!!  The taste of meadow tea and sweet watermelon is so hard to beat!!!  Thanks JR & Linda for hosting the crew!!!  We enjoyed the night!

Today, was a day of catching up and working here at home.  I (my mother-in-law helped me) canned one basket of baby gold peaches this morning.  The washer was going now stop.  The yard got mowed and I thought for a moment I mowing a hay field!!!  All these beautiful rains we are being blessed with gave our lawn a fresh green color and lots of growth!!!

It was 3:00 before I knew it!  I got the kids to pick the tomatoes and then they soaked in the tub for a clean up.  Mike and I went to our annual school faculty/school board dinner tonight.  The kids stayed with Matt and Lena!  (Thanks again for watching the kids for us!)

School is starting in a few short days!!!  I am ready for the scheduled lifestyle again but never ready to say good bye to those warm summer nights!  I am trying to enjoy it while we still have it!!!