Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer days!

We have just a few more weeks until school will begin, so we are trying to enjoy every minute of our summer days!  We do have a few more quick, small vacations and outings that we plan to do yet.  August is here and it never seems to last long enough.

Yesterday, we had appointments at the dentist.  It's always a drudgery to go.  None of us really look forward to dentist visits, but we go.  Clean, nice teeth is something I value, so we go.  Even if it's not a 'fun thing', we go.  Well, as we were walking into the dentist office, I texted Mike and asked him to wish us a good report!!!  AND IT WAS ... no, none, zip cavities for me AND the two older kids!  What a great feeling to walk out the dentist door with all three of us have sparkling clean teeth and plus knowing no one needs to come back to get cavities filled!  Great job kids!!!

From there we stopped for lunch and for a few groceries.  We also made a quick stop at the library.  Both kids like the library and really should be sprucing up on their reading skills before school begins!  Hadassah also grabbed a few Adventures In Odyssey Cd's.  She is all into these adventures right now!

We ended our day with being at a ballgame watching Mike play first base.  He's been helping the church guys play ball when they need players.  He enjoys it.  We do to.  The games last only an hour, so when we return home and get cleaned up and ready for bed, we still have some time to hang out before it's bedtime.  Last night, Matthew challenged his dad in a game of battle ship.  (Thanks Madison for the game!)  Matthew won!  By a long shot!  :)

Back on the teeth topic ... Ashlyn will be the next little one in our family to be sitting on the dentist chair.  We will give her a few years yet though.  :)  She does have this habit of grabbing our toothbrushes ... anyone of ours that she can grab.  I think it's gross, so now mine goes into a basket that she cannot reach.  Here's a picture that I took the other day of her using Mike's electric toothbrush with Hadassah's toothbrush head attached.  Yuk!  (It was not plugged in!!!  :)  ) This would maybe be a good time to say that she is pushing teeth through like crazy right now.  She's getting so many molars!  Her gums are swollen and she's not eating quit as much as normal, but she's not feverish or sick!  Huge blessing!  Just gotta keep wiping her runny nose!

 There's nothing like sitting on the back porch on a warm summer night and watch the sun set.  We LOVE sunsets and whenever there's a "spectacular" one like last night's, we all gather together and just "ewww and ahhhhh"!  Gorgeous!!!  "Thank you God!!!"

Enjoy your summer days!!!