Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God is our refuge!!!

Sometimes in life we have bumps.  Some are annoying like little speed bumps every now and then.  One after another.  Then there are those mountain size bumps and things seem really tough and hard.  Of course, must of us would prefer no bumps at all.  Life would seem to be better when it's not so tough. 

But in REAL LIFE, it's not that way.  I read in devotions this morning about adversity.  "Jesus Calling" is my devotional book right now and I am so enjoying all the encouragement I read from it!  I read this morning that adversity should not interfere with our communion with God.  Instead, when we think things are 'going wrong', we need to stop reacting like we are being punished.  We are not.  Instead, we need to turn those negative responses into seeing them as blessings or opportunities. 

Remember that God is our refuge.  A safe haven.  A God that cares for you and me.  Cares very much.  As much and more as you care for your own children. 

I love reminders like these because I am like so many other moms.  I worry sometimes.  Too much at times.  (I sometimes wonder what was there to worry about before I was married?)  But, why a need to worry now in life?  There is no reason.  God is here for you and me.  He carries us through our bumps and bruises if we allow Him too.  Too many times we want to handle things on our own and then that's when we lose our trust in God.  I have a challenge today to realize in my "real life" that God is my refuge and my redeemer.  A great reminder!

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."  Ps.62:8

Count your blessings today!!!  Even if it means by starting one by one!!!