Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School for 2012-2013!

School started today.  Both kids were very excited!  The past few weeks they have been a bit on the bored side and really need to get their heads into some good books and studies!

Here they are ready for the bus this morning ...

 Ashlyn was up and able to see the bus come once again to pick up her playmates!!!  She will miss these two a lot while they are in school!

Here comes the bus!

 I think it's cool to take pictures of their shoes each year.  Who knows ... they might like to look back in a few years and say, "We were those?  Remember those shoes?"

They only had school till 11:30 for the first day.  I picked them up and they were all excited to tell me about their teachers, classrooms, who they sit beside, recess, and the fun things they already did with their class!!!  I think this is going to be another great year for the kids!!!  They are both really excited about learning and studying!!!

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  2 Timothy 2:15